Second International Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web |
Call For PapersMotivationThe attraction of hundreds of millions of web searches per day provides significant incentive for many content providers to do whatever is necessary to rank highly in search engine results, while search engine providers want to provide the most accurate results. The conflicting goals of search and content providers is adversarial, and the use of techniques that push rankings higher than they belong is often called search engine spam. Such methods typically include textual as well as link-based techniques, or their combination. Work in search engine spam has been scattered across many venues. This workshop provides a focused venue for both mature and early-stage work in web-based adversarial IR. This workshop brings together researchers and industry practitioners and will provide participants with a survey of current problems in adversarial Web IR and state-of-the-art research advances to address them. In addition, the workshop will present the opportunity to identify datasets, determine evaluation methodologies, evoke more general theories of what the adversarial process will entail, and gather feedback from commercial participants on how research in this area can contribute to practice. TopicsWorkshop areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Papers addressing higher-level concerns (e.g., whether 'open' algorithms can succeed in an adversarial environment, whether permanent solutions are possible, etc.) are also welcome. Paper SubmissionThis, the second AIRWeb workshop, builds on last year's successful meeting in Chiba, Japan as part of WWW2005. This year we solicit both full and short submissions on any aspect of adversarial information retrieval on the Web. Full papers are limited to 8 pages in the standard ACM SIGIR format (except please include author information -- we are not operating double-blind reviews); works-in-progress will be permitted 4 pages, including all figures and references. Papers should be submitted, in PDF form, to airweb(at)cse.lehigh.edu by the submission deadline. At least three anonymous reviews will be provided per paper, judged on the usual basis of relevance, originality, quality, and presentation. Proceedings of the workshop will be placed online, and distributed at the workshop. A selection of best papers will be invited to submit expanded versions to an appropriate journal. We also have a text version of the Call for Papers that is suitable for e-mail distribution. Organizing Committee
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